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 Vampire Feats and Flaws

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Jack Maroon
Jack Maroon

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Vampire Feats and Flaws Empty
PostSubject: Vampire Feats and Flaws   Vampire Feats and Flaws Icon_minitimeFri Jun 01, 2012 4:21 pm

Template Feats and Flaws

Feats can be bought with SP, taking Flaws yields extra SP. You can only take flaws at character creation or with special permission from an admin or moderator (for example when this is for character development purposes).

Flaws can yield a maximum of 3 SP in total. Any flaws taken after this point is reached are purely aesthetic.
The following is a list of template vampire-specific feats and flaws. Feel free to make your own with the following template, but keep in mind that user-made feats and flaws need to be mod-approved, whereas these template flaws do not.

Feat/Flaw name:
SP cost/gain:


Beast Within - Mandatory

When starved of blood for too long and/or under strong emotional duress, the Beast Within surfaces.
All your skills are reduced to 1, and all your main stats are raised by 1, except intelligence, which is removed entirely. When in this state, you are basically a mindless beast with desire only to kill its enemies and drink blood.
Can only be used once per thread, and lasts a maximum of 2 posts unless express permission is given by all other participants for it to last longer.

Unleash the Beast - 3 points

You are able to awake the Beast Within on command.

Unnatural Beauty - 1 point

In your second life, you have been blessed with unnaturally beautiful or handsome features of a timeless quality. Whether you ooze sexuality or radiate a more refined beauty, your appearance is irresistible to all but the most willful of humans.

Daywalker - 10 points

In your second life, you have been spared from the ordeals of the endless night. You are immune to the effects sunlight have on your kind.

Blessing of Amaterasu - 6 points

Though not immune to sunlight, you won’t die from direct contact with it. Instead, you gain a -2 on all main stats, -1 on all skills and are unable to use any of your powers.

Solar Survivor - 4 points (Val Argus Vampires get this feat for free)

Your vampiric body is more resistant against the sun’s rays than that of other vampires. You can stay in the sun for up to three hours without facing final death. After this limit however, instant death occurs as is the curse of vampirism.
The first hour will feel very uncomfortable, but bearable(no penalties). The second hour in the sun your skin will slowly begin to burn and ache(-2 REG, -1 DEX, -1 DUR). During the final hour, the pain becomes nearly unbearable and burns inflicted during this timeframe may take longer to heal than normally (REG is nullified, -2 DEX, -1 STR, -1 DUR, all powers are weakened with -2).
After being outside for around three hours, one cannot simply go out of the sun and back in immediately. The burns will need to heal, and the body must recover. This will take about double the time you were in the sun, depending of course on how long you were in.

Entrancing Bite - 1 point (Crimson Court vampires can get this feat for free)

When you drink from a human, they are put in a trance and forget their encounter with you. This trance can keep them in a dazed state for up to 30 minutes after the deed is done. Having this perk makes it easier to feed on humans without killing them, without breaking the Masquerade.

Enthrall - 1 point

Feeding your blood to humans binds their will to you, and gives them increased strength, vitality and vigor. A caveat however; your blood is addictive to humans.

Mystic - Requirements: STR and DEX lower than 4. At least 3 INT and 3 PER. No points cost

Your second life has been blessed by the mystic sun. You may have a maximum of 4 powers, as opposed to the normal 2. However, your STR and DEX may never rise above 3.
Can only be acquired at character creation.

Elder Vampire - Free.

You are allowed to have multiple level-5 stats at character creation, instead of only 1 to start with.
However, you can only gain three more extra points through Experience. Your character is aged between 200 and 400 years.

The Sparkles - 8 points

If there is a God, then there’s not just a large chance he hates you; it’s pretty much a certainty. Sure, you can still walk the lands during the day, but the sun makes your skin sparkle. You fucking sparkle.
Whereas other vampires live amongst the humans as predators of the night, your sparkly fairy princess curse draws so much attention that you too are pretty much restricted to the night, lest you break the rules of the masquerade and reveal your true nature. By sparkling.
This feat is more a curse than it is a blessing; your affliction makes you a social pariah in vampire society, and you are considered a bad omen. What’s worse, some vampires actively hunt you down due to the danger your easily revealed nature poses to the masquerade.

The blush - 1 point

You do not share most vampires’ corpselike complexion, and have a more natural blush to replace it. You are still rather pale of course.

Gourmand Vampire - 1 points

You are in luck! Your second life has not deprived you of taste, nor the ability to consume food like a normal human. Instead of being completely shriveled up and dead, the organs required to consume food are still working for you.
Though blood is the only thing that can truly nourish you, you are able to enjoy the joys of mortal food again, as opposed to other kindred, who immediately vomit upon consuming anything but blood. You will of course have to make use of the bathroom now, just like you did in your mortal life. But that is but a small price to pay for keeping this joy of mortal life. And hey, you can’t even get fat! Jackpot!

Millionaire - 2 points

Your riches provide you with great resources. Rejoice, for if you play your cards right, you’ll have an eternity to enjoy them.
+5 WP

Majestic Presence - 3 points

You are a regular No-Life King; your mere presence strikes awe into the hearts of those around you. Your words are given a magical enthralling quality, and your gaze seems like it can pierce steel.
Bending the wills of all but the mightiest mortals comes naturally to you. Other Kindred feel the power of your presence as well, but even the weakest of them have more resilient minds than those of the human cattle.

Enlightenment - 5 points

Are you even a vampire? Heck, you’re more human than most humans. Your persistence to cling to your humanity, and your refusal to give in to the beast within have given you the greatest gift of all.
No longer will you be required to drink blood to survive. When you have not drank blood for some time, your body reverts to a fully human state. In this state, you will be fully rid of all your vampiric weaknesses, but also of your powers and strengths. When drinking blood again, you can revert to your vampiric form again.
The Beast within you is dead; no longer will you feel the need for blood. You have transcended the vampiric condition, and have successfully broken the curse.

Special Requirements:

-Must not have killed any humans, vampires, werewolves or other higher beings, unless it was in self-defense. And even then only when there was no other alternative.
-The 5 points used must have been bought with XP.

Vampire in Sheep’s Clothing - Only available if ‘Child’ Flaw has been taken. 0 points.

Though you may have been cursed with eternal physical childhood, this condition can aid you greatly in your nightly hunting. Humans do not just mistake you as a child; something about you makes them feel an unnaturally strong need to protect you and believe you.

Tough - 2 points

Instead of 1 DUR, you have 2. Fancy that, eh?

Tough Bastard - 4 points, 2 if Tough has been taken already

You have 3 DUR, and as such are more durable and damage-resistant than any other vampire.


New Blood - 3 points, age of 0-1 years as a vampire

You are new to the world of the endless night, and as such are still young, impressionable and inexperienced, at least for a vampire. Unlike older vampires, you cannot start with even one 5-stat.
This flaw gives you access to extra interaction with both PC and NPC characters of the faction/society you were born into if you so desire.

Mirror, Mirror - 1 point

You have no reflection, and your appearance cannot be captured on camera, instead showing only an odd blur. This works against your duty to uphold the Masquerade.

Running Water - 1 point

For some reason, you have an unnaturally strong aversion for crossing running water that renders you unable to do so. Attempting to do so anyway will lower your PER by two for the duration of two posts.

Alliumphobia - 1 point

What is wrong with you? You are afraid of garlic to the point that it renders you unable to make use of your powers when it is in your proximity. You are just one walking vampire cliché, aren’t you?

Nosferatu - 3 points

You are extremely deformed. Unlike some vampires who become more beautiful upon first death, you have become incredibly ugly and monstrous in appearance. Merely showing yourself to humans counts as a transgression of the Masquerade. Only in the presence of other vampires can you show yourself, and even then will you be looked down upon for your horrid visage. A life in the shadows suits you best, lest you endanger yourself and all vampire-kind.

Smell of the Grave - 1 point

You’re undead, and you actually smell like it. Not a good thing.

The Rot - 2 points

Your body has reached a certain point of decay, and cannot regenerate from it further. You smell and look like you’re a walking corpse. And probably taste like it too, although no one’s going to want to find out.

Mors Argentum - 2 points

You’re not one of those stinky, hairy werewolves, yet you still share their weakness to silver. Touching objects made of silver burns your skin, and bypasses your regeneration. Wounds inflicted by silver weapons need at least twice the usual recovery time, and cannot recover in a single topic unless an appropriate time-skip is introduced.

Child - 3 points

Your Sire embraced you while you were still a child, and as such your body has never passed into adulthood, no matter your true age. Your STR and REG are capped at 3, your DEX at 4 and all your skills have been capped at 3.
No matter how developed your mind is, your body will always seem to be that as a child. It can have its advantages however. You have free access to the ‘Innocent’ feat.

No Shadow - 1 point

Pretty straightforward, really. You have no shadow.

Shadow of a Man - 2 points

Your shadow moves independently from your body, though still attached to it, denying physics. Its ‘actions’ represent your deepest emotions and desires, and betray these to observers no matter how much you attempt to cover them up. (incompatible with ‘No Shadow’, for obvious reasons)

Invitation only - 1 point

Somehow, the vampire tradition of not entering a human’s dwelling until given invitation from the owner is absolute for you. You are unable to physically enter someone’s house without having been given their permission to do so. This does not count for the homes of supernatural creatures, only for humans.

No rest for the wicked - 1 point

You cannot sleep unless resting in a coffin.

Unholy - 3 points

Symbols of Christian faith repel you. The sight of a crucifix puts fear into your dead heart, holy water burns you, and the aura of strong faith that surrounds some men can give them greater strength against you. (one can replace Christianity with any other religion, and holy water and crucifixes with any other objects of worship)

Cannibal - 3 points

In order to sate your appetite, you need not only drink blood, but you must kill your victim and devour its flesh as well. Eww.

Cultured Palate - 1 point

You cannot drink the blood of animals, and your taste in human blood is very specific, often limited to healthy humans of a certain quality that you find appealing. Perhaps the taste of an adulterer, or maybe that of a murderer?

Spoiled 1 point

Your Val Argus upbringing has left you unable to drink blood directly from a human's neck. Now this doesn't mean you can't just snap them in two and drink it from a bucket. You just can't drink directly from the neck. [Required by Val Argus][can be negated by paying 1 point]

Hunger Pains 1 point

You've lived a life in the strongholds where blood was freely provided no matter where you went, thus when you feel that rumbling in your stomach you're more likely to give in to the beast within. [required by Val Argus][can be negated by paying 1 point]

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